UHive a social network that pays back its users in cryptocurrency.

Prashanth Kamasamudram
9 min readJan 18, 2021

Please visit to download app www.uhive.com and use referral code PMHETG to get Free 300 UHive Tokens

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I remember when I was a kid, I had to change school every 3 years due to frequent transfers of my father due to his nature of the job. He uses to be a central govt employee and had to transfer to a new location every 3 years. So in these 3 years, I use to make some best friends and at the end of the third year I had to leave and it was heartbreaking for me. The telephone was a luxury in those days. Later we too got a landline and it was somewhat better now But still, communication was limited, phone bills were huge. slowly things changed when the mobile phone came into the market.

I remember the first phone that I bought for 1500 INR. with a small display and standard analogue tunes :).

The Internet revolution, In 1995, the first time I went to Internet cafe and it was exciting, that little “e” (Symbol of the internet explorer) on the top left corner of the browser moving made it all look like a sci-fi movie scene. But the internet speed uses to be too slow, in fact, it was so slow in those days that to download a 20 KB image it uses to take around 5 to 10 minutes and had some basic messenger like MICR. So basically your 1 hour time will be lost in just loading page, and it was so frustrating.

Fast forward to 2004: Internet got much better and it became a necessity rather than a luxury. I just graduated from college and joined a software firm. Internet became part of my daily life and work because I use to develop web applications. In the meantime, I heard about Orkut, the first Social Network to reach India. I signed up and I could already see most of my friends were there. We had a lot of fun posting scraps on each others wall and then wishing birthdays and being in touch and made some new friends.

Not just that, we searched for old friends and got connected to some old friends too. It was really amazing, Another major social network too was started at the same time but it took time to reach Indian people. I myself joined facebook in 2012.

So till then, Orkut was ruling Indian internet. Then another social network platform brought many new things into a social network like pages, Groups, Games, Marketing, Business etc. In fact, a social network became an integral part of our daily life. Allot happened since then, we fought for justice, we supported campings, we shared our memories, we celebrated events and occasions.

Some Facts (How much time you spend)

The average adult spends a minimum of 30 minutes on social network

Young people between 16 to 27 age group spend a minimum of 3 to 5 hours per day on the social network.

In fact, Projections show that an adult will spend 6 years and 8 months of their life on the social network.

Time is money and its time to change :

Now we know, how much time we spent on these social network platforms, but have you ever wondered, how these social network platforms generate income? How these social network companies became the richest companies within a span of 10 years? Well, you made them rich. ask How.

Digital Advertisements: A major social network claimed no less than 40% of US digital ad revenue in 2018 and ad revenue of $56 billion,

In 2019 the same social network raised 98.5 % of its revenue form Digital Advertisements and only 1.5 % from payments and subscriptions and its ad revenue is approx $70 billion USD.

it's now even more than that. So basically users are generating billions of dollars for those social network platforms.

Now ask a simple question “What am I getting?”

The answer is simple “We are getting Nothing”, You are not getting services for free, you are paying for those services with your time. Yes, Time is money and each minute you spend on a social network site, you generate income for that social network site.

UHive A social network which pays its most valuable investors (Users)

UHive is a blockchain-based social network which pays back its biggest and most important investors. Who are the most critical investors for any social media platform? What they invest? Well, the USER is the most important investor in any social media platform and TIME is the most valuable thing which is invested by users in any social media platform.

So unlike other social network platforms, UHive pays back its user for the content created and time spent by cycling back real value via Uhive tokens in exchange for time spent on app and engagement.

Following are the statistics of UHive since its Beta launch.

Since Beta Launch

300,000 users • 8 million posts • 1.2 Billion tokens in circulation as of 18-JAN-2021

Not just that, UHhive is committed to its Free world policy, i.e, unlike existing social networks, The Free World is a place where you can express yourself anonymously. Whether it’s sharing stories, experiences or just another side to your personality, your activity will never be logged or tracked, and your data deleted forever.

No Censorship, Controlled By users, Evaluated By Users. Being a blockchain-based social network it will be a distributed system which is not controlled by any single person or organization but is managed by a community of users.

UHive (HVE) Tokens :


Every minute you spend on UHive and every engagement activity you perform in Uhive like sharing your content and liking and sharing will generate income for you in form of UHive Tokens. At the end of the day, you get your UCoins credited into your UHive Tokens wallet.

1) Users can use UHive tokens to buy spaces and space names.

2) User can transfer UHive tokens to another user in Uhive.

3) User can trade Uhive tokens in tire-1 cryptocurrency exchange platforms from March 31st 2021

The Oasis

The Oasis is a virtual social universe where you can choose a category to jump in to and in each category you can see countless spaces. You can make one space for free in each category.


spaces are like pages where user can share their interests with the world, if you are a story writer then you can write stories and let the world read your stories. If you are a dancer, then showcase your talent on your space by uploading videos of your performance.

Following is the sample space created by me https://www.uhive.com/z/4TTDABQ

Every new user gets 1 free space in each category when they join and then they can buy more spaces if they need more. Spaces do have value and their value increases or decreases based on different factors like real estate. User can trade these spaces in future.

Bottom Navigation Menu:

Following menu can be found at bottom of UHive app which can be used to navigate to different sections of the app.

Is global space explorer where you can see posts from different users across multiple spaces

This will show you hot and trending posts from different users in your interests or from spaces you are following.

You can use this button to create content or to upload your videos or share photos or to share Youtube videos.

This button is a shortcut to your Profile.

This button will take you to The Oasis, where you can explore the UHive universe categories and spaces in those categories.

Space Names:

Space names are a unique name that you can give to your space. Each name is unique, so if you have used some name then no one else can use that name.

For example, I used a name ABC, if another user tries to use this name then he can’t use it as I already used it. Similar to Spaces, space names do have value, a new user gets 5 free space names and if he needs more space names then he needs to buy them using UHive tokens. Space Names too can be traded.

How To buy additional spaces or Space Name?

Open the app and click on three lines on the top left corner of your app to open Menu.

As soon as you click on the menu button, the menu will slide open and you can see different options to select.


The profile is your section of the app which will show your following personal details

  1. No Of posts you created across spaces.
  2. Your Favourite spaces
  3. Badges you earned
  4. Your followers
  5. Tokens
  6. Spaces you own


A store is a market place where you can buy Unive Tokens and Assets.

UHive Tokens: These tokens can be used to buy spaces and space names or can be traded in exchange platforms after March 31st 2021.

Assets :

Assets are Spaces and Space names, which can be bought using UHive Tokens, These Spaces and Space Names can be traded later to earn profits.

UHive is still very young and more and more features are being added by Uhive technical team.

But one this is sure, this is a trendsetter and is going to change the concept of Social Networking forever.

Free World

Now spending time on the social network is not something just for communication and entertainment. it's all about privacy and personal freedom. The major problem with other existing social networks is privacy, they track your each and every activity and store it or use it for their benefit or sell it to other companies.

Recently I came to know that one of the major social network platforms has been tracking all my app usage data without my knowledge. i.e What apps I have been using on my phone etc.

This is something really dangerous and breaches to your privacy.

UHive in other hand sticks to its Free world policy, it won't log your activity anywhere. What you post will be with you in your account, when you delete it, it's gone forever. So with UHive, you have the power to control what you want to share with the world

Freedom of speech

UHive respects the opinion of each and every user, and it values freedom of speech of every individual user.

So, What are you waiting for? Be part of the next big change in the world of the social network, Join me here (Please visit to download app www.uhive.com and use referral code PMHETG to get Free 300 UHive Tokens)

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Prashanth Kamasamudram

I am a software architech having around 15 years in to IT industry and worked on multiple microsoft technologies. Mostly on Dynamics CRM and C#